Karena skinda memahami bahwa kecantikan tidak tentang satu atau dua bagian wajah
ini adalah tentang kecantikan dalam diri kita masing-masing.
Di Skinda kami menggunakan perawatan multilayered yang akan lebih memberikan hasil yang optimal.
Our approach for this condition
About Acne Treatment in SKINDA → Multi-Layered Approach using both topical and oral medication alongside in-clinic treatments.
No Downtime
3-6 Months
Treatment Interval
Risk of Side Effects
Instant Result.
Length of Treatments
Before After
Different result for each people may different
Expected results and cautions
Beauty is not about one or two facial features. It is about bringing out the best of you. Our Korean multilayered treatments will help you be your anywhere, anytime and also deep lines often make you uncomfortable and self-conscious. Get rid of them with our Korean treatment techniques that helps you be more confident.
Kulit menjadi lebih tampak awet muda.
Wajah menjadi lebih proporsional.
Tidak ada lagi area wajah yang kendur dan loss volume.